Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Do we limit our asking God for big things?

I was made to realize so often we are stuck on asking for the small things in life. We fail to ask for some bigger things that seems impossible. When Stephanine made a comment on the other time that I blog, it got me to thinking about that God cares as much for the large things as well as the small. They may seem so small to the outside world but they are bigger than any mountain to us.
It also brought to mind that this case against the doctor that did my knee seems like a mountain but to God it is just as important as some of my small needs. I have had to learn to say more and more,"Here it is God, it is in your hands"and then let Him work it out where there seems to be no way. So many times we want to "help" God out by going ahead and doing it. Only to find that is not the way God had planned and we get ourselves in major hot water.
I hope that what I have said above may be of a help to someone out there. Remember one thing as I am sure that most of you have heard, when God shuts one door He opens up another one for us in His time.

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