Friday, January 25, 2008

My first week at work

Boy have I ever been having sore muscles from sweeping and mopping the floors at this new job. I forgot how sore I would be. I was doing the granny shuffle this week after I get home.
The job is general cleaning but a lot of mopping. The mop is an industrial type so that does not help with it being heavy. Tonight I was also cleaning a warmer that they put dough in to rise. It has several shelves and there was a lot of stuff on the shelves. I did not get it all done so will finish it on Monday. After I get home I feel like I have had a bath in donut scent. You would not think that it would do that since I do not work with the dough and all but guess it is in the air so much that it lingers for a long time.

I received a call from friend in Fla. that I had not talked to in years. We were discussing old times and laughing up a storm. It sure was great to hear from Dan once again. My brother use to go with his sister. One time his sister and I went up stairs and looked down on another sister as her and her boyfriend were right below us. She was ready to shoot us when she found out. We had a big laugh over that. Then one time the boyfriend left his army uniform and guess who tried it on. Me. We knew that he was going to be coming at a certain time so we went out on the porch and she laid her head on my shoulder. The look on his face when he thought someone else had come and taken over was priceless. After he realized it was me then he laughed.

I received a note from my neice that lives in Maryland the other day that she is going to go to South Africa on a tour. She and her husband went to Greece and Turkey this past summer and the summer before that they went to another country. I cannot remember the name of it. I wish that I could go along with her as I think that it would be interesting to see other places. She has also been to England and Ireland. Guess it is in the genes as my folks liked to travel. They always wanted to travel after they retired but Daddy's health failed so they couldn't.

Yesterday I baked about 6 different kinds of muffins and 3 loaves of bread to take to the church school fund raiser. I tried to bake a pineapple upside down cake but we will not discuss that. LOL. Use your imagination. Smile.

Take care and will talk at you again.


mrstcd said...

Glad everything is working out for you. It's so exciting when we see definate answers to prayers. Sounds like a nice warm bath, some sweet smelling bubble bath and relaxing music are in order at the end of the day!

Greg & Stephanie said...

Hey fellow blogger! I think you're snowed in, so you might as well update your blog! :)